
Coffee and manuscript

Trying to be a cool writer in a coffee shop, with manuscript

First, Know What You Want was written on a MacBook Pro 15″ 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo which at this point is about three years old with a large dent near the power socket where I dropped it. The whole thing was done in Scrivener. I wrote it all in Markdown using MultiMarkdown syntax for the tables. Scrivener is delightful because from Markdown you can then export to RTF and HTML. The completed draft was exported via RTF into Pages for some polishing. And then up to for my publisher. This mean I never had to touch Word at all. The Editor worked on a Word copy taken from and Pages did a great job of preserving all the track changes marks when I opened the Word files.

At various stages I also used a Lamy Safari and my favourite Parker Duofold to markup drafts.

Choose the writing and tools tags if you have a geeky stationery thing going on and would like to see even more of this.